Ethan had his first school introductory visit today. After his previous issues with separation anxiety you can imagine that, despite my outwardly jolly appearance, inside I was feeling very anxious. He was a bit wobbly before we left the house and I was a bit wobbly when I realised that, on arrival, the mum's were just handing little 'Johnny' or 'Katie' over to the teacher and walking away. I knew that if I stayed today then I'd set the precident for next term when he's full-time so I decided to try and leave but not if that meant hysterical crying and vomiting [Ethan, not me lol]. I also had to make allowances for the fact that I've never left Ethan in a 'school' type environment ever apart from his one disasterous week in daycare. So after explaining to the classroom assistant what a big step today was for Ethan [and me] I told him I'd stay for two minutes and then have to go like the other mummies. So I stood there at the side of the room while he played happily with his new friends and then called out "Two minutes are up Ethan, I have to go now and I'll see you at lunchtime". "Okay Mummy" he called back, "I'm actually a bit busy looking after Ben right now so I'll see you later". [Okay, okay no need to be THAT keen for me to go lololol]. On a serious note I was mighty relieved that it had gone so smoothly [despite sitting in the car crying once I'd left him] and he was also fine when I returned two hours later to pick him up. Knackered yes, but he'd obviously had a great time and he's looking forward to going again.
I was mighty proud of myself at pick-up time when his teacher Mrs M told me that although he is the only child in the whole of his year who's not done pre-school it doesn't show in the slightest and if I'd not told her then she'd never have known. So I must have been doing something right for the last 15 months or so. Home education has been a delightful way to spend another quality year with Ethan and I'd fully recommend it to anyone who has the time, money and opportunity to do it.
We went to McDonalds to celebrate on the way home, well, you have to really don't you?? Photo's to follow when I've downloaded them........
Edited to add photo's as promised ~ taken just before we left for the school visit ....
Not sure quite what was so funny lol....
....and not sure quite why he looked so grumpy either.......
Er now then, what pose shall I strike ~ ah yes, my arms flying at the back like superman, that'll be the one....
Hi Sharon,
So happy to hear that Ethan's first day of school went well. Aren't children amazing? They always surprise parents. It's also a testament to you as a mom and as a teacher that he's adjusted so well academically.
I'm sure the rest of the term will go as smoothly.
Hey Gail ~ fancy seeing you here ;-). Yes, he was amazing, certainly a massive step forward in comparison to Feb last year when I dispaired of ever being able to leave him without some kind of emotional fallout.
I think the 15months of Home Ed. has increased his confidence and given him the space he needed to do things in his own time rather than being 'forced' before he was really ready.
As you say I'm sure things will be fine in Sept apart from combating the tiredness.
Much love to you Gail
Sharon and Ethan xx
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