About Ethan

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This is Ethan's story. The story of a little boy who is very much loved. He's a sports mad, outdoor loving, walking miracle. He's cheeky and funny and just full of life. Here we hope to share his progress and development with updates and photographs. The older posts show pictures of Ethan from birth with the most recent being of him today so if you want to see him grow before your very eyes start at the bottom and work your way up.....

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

General stuff..

These are just general ones taken over the last year or so.....

Er mum, these pants aren't a very good fit!! Ethan flately refused to wear pants for ages after he came out of nappies, even though I bought him some with his hero 'Sportacus' on them. This is what he did with them the day I bought them. Don't you just love kids?? [He does wear them now I have to add so sadly we can no longer call him 'The Commando Kid'.] Just for the record he was dry day and night within 24 hrs and has only ever had two accidents. Clever lad but then this is his site so I'm allowed to boast.

Just chillin'.

Cool dude! For some reason he still loves his high chair and prefers it to sitting at the table - he's nearly too big to squeeze in it though so he'll be forced to say a fond farewell to it quite soon.

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