About Ethan
- Sharon xx
- This is Ethan's story. The story of a little boy who is very much loved. He's a sports mad, outdoor loving, walking miracle. He's cheeky and funny and just full of life. Here we hope to share his progress and development with updates and photographs. The older posts show pictures of Ethan from birth with the most recent being of him today so if you want to see him grow before your very eyes start at the bottom and work your way up.....
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Normality resumes...
Because we've always done 'child led' home schooling it's down to me make opportunities available to spark Ethan's interest and curiosity so I shall be getting my thinking cap on over the next few weeks to see what he'd like to focus on.
Watch this space.........
Sharon xx
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
A little about our home schooling.....
We do all the usual stuff like crafting, play doh, painting, drawing/colouring, tracing, cooking, music, making mobiles [we recently made one of the life cycle of a buttefly as we were learning about that after reading 'The Hungry Catterpillar' book]. He's just learning to use scissors. We also go to the library every other weekend. He loves working in the garden with Daddy and has succesfully grown some plants this year from seeds.
He can use a computer really well. Can use the navigation keys and play platform games when he's allowed to. He can click and drag with the mouse really accurately. I watched him on it with Si the other day and I was amazed at how much he's learnt as he only started on the PC at the beginning of the summer holidays.
Outside the home we do some educational things through MKhen such as nature walks. We recently did a fire engine visit which he loved. Alot of what's organised by MKhen he's still too young for or it's in the early evening when he's too tired, he's usually in bed by 6.30pm. Socially we do the coffee mornings at Sarah's, Messy Play in Bletchley, soft play at a local play centre and Musical Mini's on a Friday morning. We also get together with the Christian Mum's group every now and again. He does his football once a week, swims once a week with Dave [and is nearly swimming on his own]. We all go cycling regularly around the city in search of local parks to play in with Ethan on the back of Simon's bike in his little seat. Must get a photograph of him on there before he grows to big to fit in it.
As you can see it's a busy time. To be quite honest I have to be careful to make sure we spend the odd day at home as we can be out five mornings a week. I was worried that I'd not be able to fill the days but in fact the opposite is true. I had moments of doubt when we started but they've gone now as I can see that he's already far ahead of his age group and we're not pushing him at all. We will always review our decision regularly though to make sure it's still the best 'fit' for Ethan. We're doing the 'child led' approach at the moment so everything he learns are things he's asked us about or has shown an interest in - the alphabet just started because we read one Jolly Phonics book and that was it - he was hooked. I love spending every day with him - it's just such a gift. It's also amazing to see him learning things and know that it was me/us that taught him. Very, very rewarding.
I will update of any new home ed. adventures as they happen and try to be a little bit better with my photo' taking.
Hugs to all who read...
every blessing
Sharon xx
Soccer for Tots.....
Third Birthday...
Theatre Trip - June 2008
Stood by the 'Lazy Town Live' advert just inside the doors. There's his hero behind him on the left in blue.
Summer 2008
Smart in his new shirt!!
Christmas 2007
Now I have no idea what was happening here but it looks to me like he's been sucking a lemon [which he wasn't]. This is first thing on Christmas morning so about 6am which is Ethan's normal time to get up but the picture is just so funny I had to include it.
General stuff..
Er mum, these pants aren't a very good fit!! Ethan flately refused to wear pants for ages after he came out of nappies, even though I bought him some with his hero 'Sportacus' on them. This is what he did with them the day I bought them. Don't you just love kids?? [He does wear them now I have to add so sadly we can no longer call him 'The Commando Kid'.] Just for the record he was dry day and night within 24 hrs and has only ever had two accidents. Clever lad but then this is his site so I'm allowed to boast.
Cool dude! For some reason he still loves his high chair and prefers it to sitting at the table - he's nearly too big to squeeze in it though so he'll be forced to say a fond farewell to it quite soon.
Second Birthday.....
Er no mum, I think this is MY blue balloon.................
After the move to MK.....
Sunday, 24 August 2008
Moving on.....

First birthday...
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Growing fast...

Is anyone ever going to get me out of here or are you just going to keep waving that camera in my face??
You've heard of Brothers In Arms?? Well this is brothers in pj's......

Looking rather pink and fresh faced; he's obviously just woken up I should think!! Bless!! [10 months]
First year continued....

Mr Dribble in his bouncer. He loved it though and could crush a packet of crisps or kick a foot ball whilst in it.
Christmas 2005, Ethan's first Christmas. This was what I woke up to every morning, a little face smiling at me by my bed. He used to reach out and stoke my face if I was close enough. I miss those days.....
Early days.......

Too cute at two months... adorable!!
Look at that dimple!! He's so cheeky even at only 5 weeks old.

08.08.05 - 15.14hrs, 7lb 10oz. Just a few minutes old - first proper cuddle and a chance to get a long look at this little miracle I'd waited so long for.