About Ethan

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This is Ethan's story. The story of a little boy who is very much loved. He's a sports mad, outdoor loving, walking miracle. He's cheeky and funny and just full of life. Here we hope to share his progress and development with updates and photographs. The older posts show pictures of Ethan from birth with the most recent being of him today so if you want to see him grow before your very eyes start at the bottom and work your way up.....

Friday, 19 December 2008

Preparing for Christmas

Ethan and Millie made some Gingerbread men and here he is icing his with the standard green, red and white icing. Look at the concentration on his face!! I'm not sure how much made it onto the gingerbread man and how much made it into Ethan's mouth but he didn't eat alot of supper that night. Hmmmmm!!!

Here he is helping to dress the tree. He found that the baubles made great footballs [now why isn't THAT a big surprise] and that they bounced really high off the laminate floor - groan!!! He also decorated himself as you can see. If I remember rightly he was taking the decorations off the tree faster than we could put them on. Look at that cheeky face - irresistible or what??

He thought that as we'd taken a photo' of him in front of the tree it was only fair that he took one of us.....and here we are..... you can tell he's taking it because we're both talking to him and directing him with the camera 'up a bit, down a bit' lol hence our rather bemused expressions. lolol

Ahhhh now we've collapsed into a mass of giggles. Goodness knows what Ethan was doing at this point but he did a great job of centering us even if he did catch us looking rather bizarre facially [who said 'no change there then'?? - cheek lol]

Home Schooling fun....

Ethan and I recently spent a day cutting out large basic shapes [triangles, squares, circles and rectangles] and made a life size picture of Ethan with them. Here he is modeling his achievements. Yes, I know he's got his Sportacus suit on AGAIN but what do you expect lol!!

Soccer for Tots - Autumn term '08

Here are some photographs of Ethan taken at Soccer for Tots in the Autum term [2nd October'08]. That is Glen with him who does a fantastic job of teaching these little ones all about the game in a very child friendly way. I've no idea how he manages to keep their attention but he does. Ethan loves it and we've never missed a session yet.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

A little gem......

....to share with you all. Millie is off sick at the moment with some fluey type virus. She's been sat on the sofa and Ethan asked if she'd play scatch [catching game with velcro ball catchers] so they did for a while but Millie's head is pounding so she asked Ethan if they could play something a bit less energetic. Ethan suggested basket ball [he's still sports mad as you can tell] but Millie said no, something quieter would be better. Ethan pipes up "It's okay Billie, I won't talk while we're playing". lololol I'm not so sure that's quite what she had in mind.

Just love him xx..

S xx

Consultant appointment...

Yesterday Ethan and I went to see the consultant about Ethan's legs and the way he sits. To cut a long story short there doesn't appear to be anything to be worried about. There is a physical condition that does predispose children to sit in the 'W' position but at the moment Ethan doesn't show any markers for that. The consultant felt that he would be able to detect those markers by this age if Ethan had it - he didn't give 'it' a name.

Also sitting like this is linked to Autism and he asked questions related to that but you don't have to be a brain surgeon [nor a consultant ;o)] to work our that Ethan isn't autistic.

We have to go back in three months to see if there's been any changes. In the worst case scenario Ethan would have to have corrective surgery to reshape the heads of his femur's where they sit in the hip socket to stop the twisting but I really don't think that's going to be the issue or at least I hope not. That's not the impression Mr K gave at all. I think the three month follow-up is just a precaution to be honest.

I have to just say that part of the examination involved Ethan lying on his tummy whilst the Mr K put his legs into the 'W' position - it looked absolutely gross. He couldn't quite believe how supple Ethan is and said he could actually have pushed the legs further if the bed hadn't been stopping him. Ethan looked like a squashed frog with his knees virtually under his armpits and his hips folding the wrong way. I thought he'd complain at this point but no, he's just so bendy but it was a bit yuk to watch. Eeeeewwwww!!!!

As we left Ethan waved and said 'Thank you Man - bye' - I could hear him chuckling as we walked down the corridor. Too cute!!

Photo's still pending but closer than before cos I now have batteries for the camera. I just need some time to fiddle around putting them on.

Happy Christmas all and every blessing to you for a peaceful and enjoyable time over the holidays.

Sharon and Ethan xx